For Rooftoptiger's community-art projects a three-step strategy is developed to encourage people to become a creative and critical actor in their own neigbourhood. It is an effort to infect them in a poetic, playful and visual way with the creation of new forms of living in their own neighbourhood or community.The Rooftoptiger Strategy consists of three parts:
- DATA PAVILION: At a creative city lab passersby's memories and desires are developed, exhibited and collected on the map of the Invisible City.
- SOURCE EXPLORER: On some sort of Mad Max rickshaw we look for talents and resources. Together with passersby we go on an inner journey through the neighbourhood, making an inventory of people and their possibilities.
- NEIGHBOURHOOD DREAM: Based on preliminary research using other tools that are part of the Rooftoptiger Strategy, a sustainable Neighbourhood Dream is developed. For a few weeks a team of Specialists is in residence in the neighbourhood that we are collaborating with. A temporary studio is built in public space. Regularly and according to a previously discussed strategy the Specialists and local residents work together. The Rooftoptiger truck is present as an operating base containing all basic infrastructure necessary for a quick intervention studio.
Rooftoptiger has already developed Neighbourhood Dreams in Maastricht, Brussels and Antwerp: Roserije Makerije (2014), Malberg Mobiel (2014), Tribuuun (2016), Citizenlights (2018) Buurtsculptuur (2018), CC De Vleeshaak (2018) and Toren van Babel (2019)
Images (c) Erik Richart, Rooftoptiger, Ted Oonk