1. © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

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      © images Joris Casaer & Maaike Buys

    AIRHOTEL 2024

    Waking Life 19 - 24 June 2024

    A floating hotel, an alternative resort, a magical shelter. Be our guest!

    AIRHOTEL by RooftopTiger (BE)

    Bushcraft Wellness & Radical Tenderness

    In Airhotel the public is given the chance to be part of experience-based and performative interactions as guests of floating hotels, alternative resorts and magical shelters.

    Since 2023, Airhotel has descended on the grounds of Waking Life, Crato, Portugal as a permanent Art installation. 

    "They are all beautiful and playful, like something designed by a mad professor with lots of help from a very imaginative child, fully embracing Rooftoptiger’ nomadic attitude."  The Guardian

    performers 2024: Sara Dandois, Bram Rombouts,Joanna Madclone, James Lethbridge, Kell Mertens, Inés Ballesteros, Adriana Mc Kenzie, Inês Salomé Marques Rodrigues, Miranda Marimira, Ludovica Andrenacci, Luciana Bastos, Annette Brinckerhoff

    Crew: René Amado & Marco Pïretto 
    Lights: Waking Life

    With support of the Flemish Gouvernment'


    12 international artists departed together for the Waking Life festival (Portugal) to give a final farewell kiss to our beloved AIRHOTEL in a 24/7 show.

    In total, 6 "air chambers" were set up where the audience was fully immersed in multiple sensory experiences through performative sessions.

    With the support of the Flemish Community.


    In Airhotel the public is given the change to be part of experience-based and performative interactions as guests of floating hotels, alternative resorts and magical shelters.

    Since 2023, Airhotel has descended on the grounds of Waking Life, Crato, Portugal as a permanent Art installation. 

    "They are all beautiful and playful, like something designed by a mad professor with lots of help from a very imaginative child, fully embracing Rooftoptiger’ nomadic attitude."  
    The Guardian


    Concept & text Sara Dandois, Janne Desmet & Marijs Boulogne

    Performance & audio Thaïs Scholiers, Gideon Hakker, Janne Desmet, Lotte Heijtenis & Anton Van Haver & MC Muziekdoos (Benjamin Boutreur)
    Performance Bram Rombouts, Sara Dandois, Sven Roofthooft & guests
    Scenography Samuel Verdonck, Adriaan Van der Halle, Bram Rombouts, Marie Storup, Sara Dandois, Wim Van Hoof, Axel Vosters, Wannes Van Tiggelt, Berten Van Tiggelt, Yves Ceulemans, Sebastiaan Boumans & Sven Roofthooft
    Technicians Christoff Govaerts, Jasper der Kinderen, Astrid Deneckere, Kobi Gruyaert, Teatske Burgerjon & Jobo
    Costume design Lies Maréchal
    Design Kim Vleugels
    In collaboration with Mamm'out
    Thanks to Antwerpen Open, Vrieselhof, City Landscaping Service, Paul & Hilde Dandois, Sofie Rombouts, Laika, Wim Smet, Kathleen Venqueleir, Rosy Simoens, Edwin, Marte, Nico Van Roose, Lot Pluche, Arne Van Boxel, Kris Rockelé, Terra Nova, Provincie Antwerpen, Maarten Simons, Bram Van den Ende & Madame Greet Prové


    Waking Life 19.06 - 24.06 2024

    Waking Life 07.-12.07.2023

    Norfolk & Norwich Festival in the UK 11-26.05.2012 

    Augustus Antwerpen 1.07 - 31.08.2011 

    Terra Nova 22.07 - 16.08. 2010