(c) Fotoatelier Marleen Peeters
(c) Siege Dehing
(c) Pierrot Biessen
The Transformer is a community-art project. Together with the Rooftoptiger artists, students at Steunpunt Tewerkstelling (an organization in Antwerp which helps young adults in vulnerable situations to find a steady job) and teenagers from Borgerhout and from a local youth organization converted a Lada Niva into a robot giant.The Transformer symbolizes the transformation the youngsters went through during the project as well as the desired changes in their environment. It literally helped them to make their voice heard. The youngsters used the robot as a stage to get their message across, rhyming like an MC.
The Transformer is still appearing in poetry slams and workshops.
CREDITSConcept and coaching Sara Dandois
Design and coaching Sven Roofthooft and Bram Rombouts
Construction Steunpunt Tewerkstelling
Production management Dunya Roos
Sales Kosmonaut Production
Communication management Ted Oonk
Administration Elke Herremans
Co-production Steunpunt Tewerkstelling, LeerWerkPlaats Garage, Kras jeugdwerk, De Reuzen vzw
With the support of Provincie Antwerpen, District Borgerhout
Documentary Laura ZuallaertPAST
Tu 29 Nov 2018 19:00 | Antwerp Parade Noorderlicht
Sa 22 Sep 2018 14:00-17:00 | Borgerhout Reuzenstoet
Sa 15 Sep 2018 15:00-20:00 | Antwerp Archipel - Low Tech Lab
Sa 02 Jun 2018 13:00 | Nijlen Kunstenfestival Emiliushoeve
Su 14 May 2017 13:00-19:00 | Borgerhout Terlopleinfeest
Th 13 Oct 2016 19:00 | Antwerp Arenberg - Mestizo Arts Festival
Tu 17 May 2016 18:30 | Brussels BOZAR (coll. MAP)
Su 08 May 2016 13:00-20:00 | Borgerhout Terlopleinfeest | docu
Sa 07 May 2016 19:00 | Mechelen Cultuurcentrum - NEST 015 kunstenfestival (coll. MAP)
Sa 07 May 2016 16:30 | Mechelen Cultuurcentrum - NEST 015 kunstenfestival (coll. MAP)
Sa 16 Apr 2016 13:00-16:00 | Merksem Opening Pop-Up Bredabaan
Sa 19 Dec 2015 16:30 | Antwerp De Coninckplein (org. Het Oude Badhuis)
Sa 21 Nov 2015 14:30 | Antwerp Schoolstraat (org. Het Oude Badhuis)
Sa 17 Oct 2015 14:00-17:00 | Antwerp Damplein (org. Het Oude Badhuis)
Fr 16 Oct 2015 | Borgerhout Xaveriuscollege | school
Sa 19 Sep 2015 15:00-17:30 | Borgerhout Reuzenstoet