(c) Siege Dehing
(c) Marie-Sol Sebrechts Gillain
(c) Marie-Sol Sebrechts Gillain
(c) Marie-Sol Sebrechts Gillain
(c) Betty Matthysen
(c)Betty Matthysen
"Come, come as you are
Like a thunderstorm in May
One voice speaks a thousand languages”
In March preparations started to create a huge multilingual piece of art on the outer walls of Archipel.
The ink manufactured with the ashes of Tower of Babel, icon of multi-lingualism, was used to create something new during these experiments.
The collaboration between different organisations illustrated the power of diversity and interconnection.
CALLIGRAFFITI = calligraphy & graffiti, an experiment connecting the Eastern and Western world within our magnificent city.
>> Facebook - Beyond the lines - Calligraffiti Belgium
A coproduction of Fameus, Sint Lucas Antwerpen, Open Design Course, VOEM, DemaOne i.c.w. Archipel arts workspace and Rooftoptiger.
Cofunded by the Flemish Cultural Activity Premium.